Lorna’s Voice, Princess Di, and Me!

For those of you who aren’t lucky enough to have met my writing, blogging friend, Lorna of Lorna’s Voice, you should pop over to her blog http://lornasvoice.com/2013/09/12/. She has a special treat, today. She did an interview Princess Diana! Well, she wanted to do an interview with Princess Diana, but she wasn’t available, so she interviewed me instead. It’s a complex, riveting look at my life where I reveal all my deepest, darkest (ho-hum) secrets. Not really, but she put together a fun interview so I hope you’ll take a look.

Miss Lorna has a gift for making us laugh at life’s tribulations and absurdities, so take a few minutes and check out her other posts and the memoir she’s written, How Was I Supposed to Know? Enjoy!

Have A Great Week!

About Diana Douglas

Diana Douglas, author. Coorganizer of the Arizona Novel Writers Workshop. Member Arizona Historical Novel Society, Member BooksGoSocial Authors, Transplanted Texan. http://www.meetup.com/Arizona-Writers-Workshop-com http://twitter.com/#!/themodernscribe
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14 Responses to Lorna’s Voice, Princess Di, and Me!

  1. LaDonna Ockinga says:

    That was a really fun interview. You had me going with the 5,000 words before lunch. I am so gullible sometimes. But them your books are so good, I could believe it.

  2. I popped over here from Lorna’s Voice blog. Really enjoyed your interview and the tiara looks great on you. Yeah, I have to say, I was a little miffed with the 5000 words before lunch AND THEN I go on my 10 mile run…. it was the 10 mile run that miffed me. HA!
    Enjoy always, T

    • If I tried to run ten miles, my knees would self-destruct and writing ten-thousand words in one day would likely cause my head to explode. My hats off to those who can, but my energy level runs at a slower pace.

  3. Thanks for the shout out, Princess Di! I thoroughly enjoyed doing the interview. 🙂

  4. Ok girlfriend, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen anything new from you, but I can totally understand if you’re in the writing mode on a mission to get the next book done. Or even if you’ve experienced enough burnout on blogging and posting and commenting and etc to need and deserve a break. So anyhooo, just stopping by to say I’ve read both your books and loved them. Great writing. Any plans for going to RWA in Texas next July???

    • I’m so happy you enjoyed my books. That’s the ultimate compliment and I appreciate you taking the time to let me know. The last few months I’ve had some ongoing health issues that completely derailed my getting much of anything done. But I’ve put out a call to my muse to let her know that her vacation is over and I’m back at my keyboard.
      That’s so much for stopping by!

  5. I did as suggested. And popped over to Lorna’s voice. I dare say it was a great find. Thanks.

    So may I now invite you to find something about yourself beyond that interview?


    • Mmm… I can’t watch or read romantic comedies (unless they’re historical). I also can’t watch animated movies, though I make exceptions when my grandkids are with me. But if you put a bunch of sweaty men on a battlefield, my eyes are glued to the screen. I’m sure that says something about me, but haven’t a clue what it is.

  6. Lafemmeroar says:

    Lorna is simply wonderful! 🙂

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