I should probably stop freaking out over this but,


You can find both my books in the Kindle Bookstore !!!!

The Bewitching Hour and The Devil’s Own Luck are Regency Romances. If you’re not familiar with the Regency Era in England (1811-1820) just know that society was expected to offer tea to everyone of quality who came to visit, a man could lose his entire fortune in a single card game and it was okay to stiff one’s tailor or bootmaker but if some unlucky gambler couldn’t pay his vowels (IOU’s) he either left the country or ate his pistol, foxed meant drunk, leg-shackled meant getting married, stews were the slums and working for a living was considered crass.

The heroes are always tall, easy on the eyes, incredible lovers, drink Brandy every chance they get, ride, fence and shoot, have often fought bravely in the Napoleonic War but don’t have the ability to dress themselves without the help of a valet. The heroines are attractive, strong-willed, intelligent, virginal (until the hero gets ahold of them) young ladies who wear muslin gowns and also don’t have the ability to dress themselves without a servant’s help.

My characters are stubborn and didn’t always behave, but I had a lot of fun writing both books. There’s blackmail, arson, and amnesia, a horde of irritating little dogs, true love threatened by evil-doers and enough sex to encourage my husband to read both books all the way through. They should both be out in trade paperbacks in a few months.

Now, I need to stop jumping up and down, stop checking my stats every fifteen minutes to see how many books have sold, and get to work on my next book.

See you on Thursday!!!

About Diana Douglas

Diana Douglas, author. Coorganizer of the Arizona Novel Writers Workshop. Member Arizona Historical Novel Society, Member BooksGoSocial Authors, Transplanted Texan. http://www.meetup.com/Arizona-Writers-Workshop-com http://twitter.com/#!/themodernscribe
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  1. HOORAY!!!!!
    Gorgeous covers, Diana.

  2. Marcia says:

    WOOHOO! Diana that’s so exciting! You go write some more and I’m going to buy your books! Only problem will be deciding which to read first!

  3. kokyquirk says:

    Way to go, Diana! Love the covers!

  4. bethtrissel says:

    Wooo hoo! I love the covers and your descriptions of the era and your super new releases. I think they sound like heaps of fun. I currently owe Amazon a ridiculous amount of money but these are definitely going on my wish list.

  5. So many books, so little time…

    • Thank you! What are you working on now?

      • denise says:

        I’m working on a crime fic novel. Almost done with a sparse first draft…I pantsed it, so it’s a little bit swiss cheesed, but it’s coming along pretty well. I can’t wait to actually finish a first draft of something long! I can only imagine how good it feels to get to your stage. Kudos on all the hard work. 🙂

  6. Ty Hutchinson says:

    Congratulations. Out of the gate with two books. Way to go.

  7. Eric Pflum says:

    Wow!!!!! Congratulations. I bought them both. I’m right in the middle of a great non-fiction book (Double Cross) on D-Day spy history and just started another novel (One Last Thing Before I GO). So, I’m not sure how quickly I’ll get to them but I am so looking forward to reading them. I’ll keep you posted. 

    Did you use another company to self-publish? If so, who are they are what do they charge? If not, HELP ME, RHONDA!  

    I admire and appreciate your tenacity and talent. 




  8. jazzytower says:

    Congratulations!! Just discovered your blog. Love the pictures. Hope someday to be jumping up and down as well as soon as I figure out the process.

  9. jazzytower says:

    By the way, I am reading and watching Pride and Prejudice so I totally relate.

  10. YIPPEE! I’m so proud of you! What an accomplishment! You should be jumping up and down and round and round. 🙂

  11. Thank you! I tried the round & round, but I got dizzy!

  12. WooHoo! Congratulations Diana! Just bought ’em – can’t wait to read ’em! 🙂

  13. Thanks! Hope you like ’em!

  14. Char Bishop says:

    I’m jumping up and down with you! Your books are so entertaining–I know they’ll be a success! Soooo exciting.

  15. Thank you! We should both probably stop jumping, though. Our knees might give out.

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