I haven’t quite caught up on everything that accumulated while I was in Texas so I’m hitchin’ a ride on Lorna’s coat tails today.
I took the real age test and it says I’m almost 10 years younger than I really am, (47.5 versus 57) so I guess working out pays off. Check out Lighting up the Blog-o-Sphere. It’s a nice way to start your Thursday.

Lorna's Voice

Welcome to my weekly adventure to “Occupy the Blog-o-Sphere” each Thursday. I offer this hopefully uplifting picture and message to brighten your day and bring something buoyant into your life. As you move through your day with a renewed outlook, may you pass it along.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself, your loved ones, and your society is the gift of taking care of yourself. 

As the weather turns warmer and the bulky clothes of winter make way for our more revealing summer wardrobes, it’s natural to think about our bodies and what happened to them since last we really took a good look at them (or let someone else look at them). But this is not a post about vanity; it’s a post about health. Are you kind to the one and only body that carries you through this life? If you think car repairs are…

View original post 288 more words

About Diana Douglas

Diana Douglas, author. Coorganizer of the Arizona Novel Writers Workshop. Member Arizona Historical Novel Society, Member BooksGoSocial Authors, Transplanted Texan. http://www.meetup.com/Arizona-Writers-Workshop-com http://twitter.com/#!/themodernscribe
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4 Responses to

  1. Whoo-hoo! Great news. That should give you energy to spare as you tackle the backlog!

  2. Marcia says:

    Wow! You really are younger than your years! good for you, Diana. Despite the heat and wind, you’ve managed to keep yourself in great shape!

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